♥18th dec 2009 friday ~ the first day in genting♥
we arrived at terminal bus around 7.15am...3 of the couples got into the bus on about 8am...
after 6 hours, we finally reached our first destination - Genting Highland...after check in, the rest of them did a short rest in their room except me...i was preparing myself when my biebie was sleeping...
beforethat, my biebie surprised me with a warm black jacket...♥

i was shocked by him, and feel very touching at the moment, he knew i was kinda sad over the jacket that i purposely ordered for this trip still i not yet get it...=)
afterthat, we have our dinner at mushroom garden...unfortunately, there was raining and the whole space was full of fog...we were freezing extremely when waiting the van to pick us back...
fortunately, i have a brave him...he did gave me the warmest arm at the moment...he gave me his jacket and hugged me like a baby in the whole night...and tried his best to find more good ways to make me feel warmer...♥ i love you baby ♥
next, we went into 'believe it or not' for the 2nd times due to most of them didn't tried it before...this time i did took some pictures from there... =)

afterthat, we went into 'hunted adventure' namely *ghost house*...this is my first time, i was damn scared...i shouted like no body in there and cried before came to an end...my baby knew this sight will be happened so he did his best to comfort me...*shame* =(

finally, we back into our own rooms, we did have our sweet warm night....
♥19th dec 2009 saturday ~ the second day in genting♥
sean and her hubby reached on this morning... sorry girl, i was sleeping when you arrived...we are not purposely leave you two at the cold space...=(
after marry brown as our lunch, we went for outdoor games...sadly, we can't make it perfectly due to the dumb raining day...so just we 2 couples - yayee, kent, biebie and me did played 3turns of merry-go-round that worth RM44...*sad*

other than merry-go-round, my biebie played this shooting game and wins 2 huge bears as extra x'mas present for me...i love you♥

we did enjoyed steamboat at sean's apartment...feeling so warm when we got to eat steamboat together with our best friends and with our loved one beside...=) afterthat, we played pokers in our room before slept...
unluckily, we wrangle in the dark night when others were having their sweet dreams due to one of the couple's attitudes, they are too undue but they didn't realised and just take care of their own feelings...my biebie and me argued in the dark, im sad and cried over the whole night...maybe you two may think you are not wrong, however, just try to put yourself in my position...then you will know what's the feeling at the moment when someone force you to do the things that you totally don't like...i tried to better the situation and take care of you all's feelings so ended up im the one who cried and as a fool infront of everyone...! well, i may not have any heart feeling...you are still my best friend... my baby, i still love you...
♥20th dec 2009 sunday ~ the first day in KL♥
we arrived at KL around 2pm...after check in, then we start our shopping journeys...
we did shop until 5pm...then is the time to back penang...yesterday i gave my time to my baby, accompany him to shop for whole day...so today is his turn to give his time to me...but the shopping time was too short to me...i still have many stuff to buy ! my desire is only half way full !!!
Glad that u enjoyed well...Miss u...
thanks,miss you too buddy...how was yr dec going huh?=)
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