although im 'stuck' in the STPM's 'frame-up' , but angie still is angie , as usual no body can stop me from going i met an old friend...opps...sorry i should correct my word 'old' into 'primary'... we used to same class in primary i named her as my 'old' first i was quite lazy to entertain her because i prefer stay in my warm house , in my lovely room , with my cute biebie , laying on his warm chest , watching my favourite serial biebie had the same mind-set too...but my friend was very keen and keep asking me to have a movie with last , the best i can do is give her a short walk in gurney , a normal dinner at gurney and no movie for super lazy today due to the cold weather plus my period is visiting me...damn moody...i can't even concentrate on anything especially don't mention about study...i never did any revision since yesterday until 2nd paper is waiting for me...i will meet it on period is the best excuse for me to escape from study...>.<
STPM?suck!!! im not just a full time student...i watched lots of movie before exam start and in the exam period...=)
i love it much!!!the '' is damn cute!~ and quite shame to tell you guys i cried in the end of the not silly guys, just touched....=)
isn't it im outdated?=(
i wish to own one too...=)
nice movie~ ^^
i hate this...6 stars horror movie!!! i felt like want vomit after watched it...
and this...i lose...i daren't watch nothing to mention...=) *shame*
*tomorrow is gonna be a good good day~♥*
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