yesterday....27th of june...i didn't go to school because i was damn headache due to drunk on the night before...after hard days planning for the teachers' day programmes but absent at last....arrrgghhh~finally i have to pass the works to lerkshin...thanks a lot...=) i feel so relief after i heard they said the whole process was very end with teachers' happiness and surprises....afternoon, i went to search my new phone with my dearest....i was in the confuse of making decision between nokia N78 and SE G705...
SE G705
nokia N78
at last i choose nokia...because the SE G705 did has the same design with my my dearest asked me to do so...because SE phone's programme are really limited compared to nokia' i got it! my new phone...! i did mentioned that my bie had promised me to buy me a set of 西藏天珠 right?yea~ i got it too...this is how it looks like....=)
it consist of many meaning and can bring lots of luck for me in future...i can't explain more in here or by words....if you have the knowledge of crystals and 西藏天珠 sure understand it...
so good got a new phone!!=D
update update
yea~so excited and love it so much~
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